Retreat Program

The founding of the Society of Jesus began with the religious growth of the Spiritual Exercises that St. Ignatius of Loyola shared with his first companions. At the heart of Ignatius’ vision lay the spiritual experience of intimacy with God in prayer. The Gonzaga Retreat Program adapts these principles derived from Ignatius’ Spiritual Exercises for the student body.

In building upon this foundation, each year every Gonzaga student has the opportunity to make such a retreat. These are occasions when the young man is challenged to reflect upon his relationships with God, with others in his life, and examine his personal growth in these basic relationships. The retreats vary in length, but each provides a haven from the daily routine of classes and home life to recharge the heart and mind for God's work.  It is with great hope that the young man will return with a fresh perspective for prayer and greater self-understanding.

Each retreat experience is led by a member of a retreat team and is meant to build upon the previous retreat experience.  The student retreat leaders are supported by a team of adults, but guide and direct the retreats themselves.  

Overview of the retreats:

The Gonzaga Freshman Retreat:      January 13-January 15, 2017 (Martin Luther King Weekend)

This is the only mandatory retreat; the entire class is expected to attend the whole of the retreat.  

The Sophomore Retreat

Four retreats are run in the fall term by members of the Gonzaga Retreat Team and Campus Ministry team.  The retreat is held at Bishop Claggett Retreat Center, and engages students in reflection and prayer over how to make more of their sophomore year.  A schedule of the retreats and homeroom assignments can be found on the Sophomore Retreat page.   


Legacy:  Spiritual Exercises for the Fourth Day

To all those students who count themselves Kairos alumni, we extend invitations to move forward and deepen their fraternity and faith by gathering in a variety of small ways. If Kairos feels like a mountain top, Legacy involves learning to follow God's spirit in the valley of daily life.  We step back in the midst of our busy lives to attend to where God is at work or is needed. Seniors are invited to make Legacy lunches in the fall of their senior year, and Legacy Days of Prayer are planned for each spring.

All kairos alumni events are important moments when we have an opportunity to remember the graces first received on Kairos or in another moment laid claim to by God. We are then called to foster that grace and see that it bear fruit in our lives and relationships with God and others. 

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