Department Chair

Mr. Joe Jackson

Phone: 202.336.7123 *7450

Welcome to the Physical Education Department


The physical education program at Gonzaga is an integral part of the total educational process. The curriculum is dedicated to offering each student, regardless of ability, the opportunity to experience meaningful growth, accomplishment, and success at his own skill level. Through both competitive and non-competitive learning experiences the program seeks to develop in each student: health and physical fitness; skillful and effective movement; knowledge and appreciation of the human body; self‑confidence and positive social interaction; ability and motivation for creative use of leisure time. The AAHPERD fitness test is administered to all freshmen during the first week of school.

Believing in the wisdom of establishing a life-long pattern of daily physical exercise, the school requires freshmen to participate actively in physical education and health classes which meet every day. Through discussion, readings, exercises, speakers and reflective writings, students will explore how emotional, physical and mental aspects influence our sense of well‑being. Topics will include: emotional development, mental health, stress, physical fitness, nutrition, sexuality, drugs and alcohol use, smoking and health.