Student Health Office News

Requirements for 2017-18 School Year

Dear Parents and Guardians, 

Our goal is promote wellness and provide optimal care for your son at Gonzaga.

Health Records and Requirements
Gonzaga students’ health records will change to Magnus Health Electronic program for school enrollment and athletic participation in the coming year. Careflow has merged with Magnus.

Dates to Remember

May 2017 – Magnus Health  will go live for Gonzaga mid-May.  Once Magnus is live, an email will be sent to Parents and Guardians providing a user name and password allowing parents to log into Magnus.

August 1st, 2017 – ALL health records must be completed in Magnus for students to attend   Orientation and Athletic Tryouts 

To Do BEFORE August 1st, 2017

1.  Log in once you receive the email from Magnus to access your son’s record.
2  COMPLETE your son’s online health history and permission fields in Magnus.
3. UPLOAD a current physical exam and immunization record.

Please Note

-Gonzaga must comply with DC Public Schools:
-ALL students must have a yearly physical on file and ALL DC vaccine requirements, including HPV.
-Please do not send expired physicals; exams must be current for 365 days.
-All health forms are printed and uploaded in Magnus Health.
-Please do not send physical forms to school, Athletics or coaching staff
(Our goal is to go paperless for privacy and safe keeping of records).


Please check the website for health information and updates.


Debbie Onufrychuk RN, School Health Coordinator


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