Saturday, September 23rd, 2017
Chronological Listing of Inductees:
1983 John Bozek ’27
Rev. John F. Hogan ’49
Jon. N. Morris ’60
Ronald W. Bennett ’55
Joseph S. Kozik Coach/Athletic Director
1984 1959 Football Team
1985 Robert F. Mulvihill ’41
Thomas J. McCloskey ’56
Thomas G. Sluby ’80
1986 1945 and 1946 Football Teams
1987 1957 Basketball Team
1988 Orrel J. Mitchell ’25
Raymond R. Smith ’54
Henry Lilly '60
Gregory S. Coan '82
Rev. John F.X. Bellwoar, S.J. Mentor/Chaplin
1989 Michael O. Nolan '50
John A. Kirchner ’53
Michael J. Holloran ’62
1990 James Boyle '37
Arthur S. Cranston ’45
John R. Dugan ’61
Michael F.X. Dolan ’77
1991 John J. O'Keefe ’47
Michael E. Warner ’53
James J. O'Donnell ’57
William J. Rowan ’57
William G. Morris ’67
1992 None
1993 James M. "Buddy" O'Brien ’39
J. Chester Coakley ’44
Francis "Frank" Vita ’55
John Himmelberg ’64
John Schmidtlein ’84
1994 Elmer "W" Raba ’43
David M. Zurowski ’63
Daniel M. Veith ’72
Edgar P. Davis ’83
1954 Basketball Team
1995 Rev. Cornelius A. Herlihy, S.J. ’33
Gen. John Michael Loh USAF ’56
Joseph T. Lilly ’62
Francis X. Leonard ’82
Mark A. Tillmon ’86
1996 Fred J. Rice ’40
John "Gabe" Smith ’54
George P. "Pete" Grau ’56
Peter E. George ’65
Mike McNally ’74
Marcus F. Cherry ’85
1997 1925, 1926 & 1927 Football Teams
Rev. Thomas Brew, S.J ’27
William F. DeChard ’47
Stephen A. Brown ’86
1985 Tennis Team
1998 James “Tippy” Larkins ’49
James Holloran ’60
Matthew Sheridan ’72
Gary McIntosh ’86
Mark Gowin Football Coach/Athletic Director (1978-88)
1999 Francis “Buddy” Sharkey ’38
Waughn Hughes ’93
Peter Meehan ’62
Billy McGloon ’71
1949 Football Team
Rev. Harry Hock, S.J. Team Chaplin
2000 Joseph L. Murphy ’42
Darryl A. Hill ’60
Michael E. Cronin ’69
John Williams '80
Kenneth Miles ’88
Richard "Dick" Myers Basketball Coach
2001 John B. "Jack" Flynn ’42
Kevin J. White ’86
Charles A. "Chuck" Marmor ’92
Peter Bahor Lacrosse Coach
Maurice “Maus” Collins Football Coach
2002 Vincent Lane O’Donnell ’40
William J. Haley ’50
Gerard M. Fay ’70
Robert Churchwell ’90
Rev. Raymond Lelii, S.J. Tennis Coach
2003 Thomas W. Matan ’57
Austin White ’67
Joseph W. Mesmer ’76
Christopher J. McMahon ’80
John R. Thompson, III ’84
James A. Matan ’94
2004 Dr. Anthony Natoli ’55
Francis "Tom" Coleman ’57
Dr. Thomas F. Ryan ’61
Perry F. Carter ’87
Matthew C. Rienzo ’93
2005 Joseph M. Hickson ’44
Mark J. Emory ’78
Joseph H. Viola ’83
Christopher E. Brown ’88
1955 Champion Football Team
2006 William F. Sheahan ’56
Joel Herrington ’93
1985-86 Basketball Team
Donald M. Smith Soccer Coach
2007 John B. “Jack” McCaleb ’54
Dr. Michael A. Kelly ’70
Thomas S. Dugan ’83
John F. Mastal ’89
Malcolm A. Johnson '94
Christopher H. Connolly ’96
2008 John M. “Bucky” Byrne ’51
John M. O’Sullivan ’66
Christopher P. Minear ’83
Melvin S. Yates II ’91
Albert “Lee” Kelly Rugby Coach
2009 Louis J. Rubino, Jr. '63
Scott M. McCaleb '84
Roman D. Oben '90
William Glading '99
2010 John R. Ewers, Jr. '77
Michael D. Hollis '86
Christopher M. Ritter '88
Daniel K. Reed '92
2011 Michael R. Svec '85
Alvin Brown '97
1996 WCAC Champion Football Team
2012 1919 Championship Basketball Team
Christopher M. LoJacono '79
Michael T. Williams '83
Alvin D. Maddox Track & Field Coach
2013 Chad Leonard '92
Brian Gallagher '98
2003 Varsity Basketball Team
1982 Varsity Football Team
2014 Stuart Long '60
Kevin Wynne '82
Paul Tilch '97
2000 Varsity Soccer Team
2015 Khary Stockton '89
Matt Davis '95
Joe Jackson Track & Field Coach
2000 Varsity Baseball Team