Department Chair

Mr. Mark Howell

Phone: 202.336.7123 *7455

Welcome to the Computer Science Department


The primary goal of the Computer Science department is to develop problem-solving skills essential for success in today’s high tech society. Several courses study the analysis of data structures and algorithms using a programming language while others involve the use of business software tools. There is no graduation requirement in Computer Science. Courses are offered with the intention of serving a broad range of student interests. Students who complete the Advanced Placement (946) course will take the Computer Science examination administered by the College Board. 

Mr. Blair,  Mr. Mark Howell (Chair), Mr. Moore

CS TOOLS & WEB INTEGRATION I & II (930, 931)/one semester each

                This course is “real-world” problem solving using business application software. The curriculum includes the study of computer literacy, hardware components, operating systems, spreadsheets, web page development and design, foundations of the World Wide Web, and the use and syntax of Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). Students will use a combination of many software tools integrated with web development and publishing.

AP COMPUTER SCIENCE (946) /full year

                This course is open to all students with departmental approval. It is designed to prepare students for the Computer Science A examination of the College Board. The course emphasizes object-oriented programming methodology with a concentration on problem solving and algorithm development. It includes the study of control structures, data structures, class design, and abstraction. The course is taught using Java programming language. Students who take this class are required to take the College Board Advanced Placement exam in Computer Science.

VISUAL BASIC PROGRAMMING I & II(950, 952)/one semester each

                Students will learn to problem solve and think critically in the Visual Basic.Net graphical user interface (GUI) environment. No computer programming experience is required. The curriculum includes an introduction to Visual Basic .Net, Variables and Constants, Control Statements, Decisions Structures, Looping Structures, Procedures, Mathematical and Business Functions, Arrays and Structures, Color and Graphics, Creating Classes, Using Files, Sorting and Searching, and Advanced Topics if time permits. Advanced assignments include building user interactive games. Open to all students.


This course is open to students who have completed Computer Science Tools II and have department approval. It focuses on developing high-level critical thinking and problem solving skills by creating advanced web sites using industry-leading design and web development software. Students will develop the knowledge required to build and manage dynamic web sites using applications such as Adobe Dreamweaver, Flash, Fireworks, PhotoShop, and Cold Fusion.