Gonzaga Freshman Retreat
The Freshman Retreat is a two-and-a-half day retreat for the entire freshman class that emphasizes Gonzaga ideals, the Ignatian spiritual tradition, and the fraternity of Eye Street. It takes place here at Gonzaga. As soon as available, we will post a parent letter that contains information regarding the retreat, including packing lists, descriptions of the activities, and contact information. Please contact us concerning questions after reviewing this letter.
Mark Your Calendars! The Class of 2020 Freshman Retreat is scheduled for Martin Luther King Jr. holiday weekend in January 2017.
The retreat is a mandatory activity for every member of the Freshman Class; there are no exceptions. If a family emergency or illness arises, please contact the retreat office as early as possible.
Gonzaga Freshman Retreat Information Page
If you have any other questions regarding this program, please contact one of the three coordinators:
Mr. Stephen Szolosi, Director of Campus Ministry, sszolosi@gonzaga.org
Mr. Donnie Green, Assistant Director of Campus Ministry, dgreen@gonzaga.org
Mrs. Cydney Mulieri, Administrative Assistant for Campus Ministry Programs, cmulieri@gonzaga.org