ASC Blogs
by Robert Horan
Chrsitmas Time
by Quinn McGee
Classroom Management
by Maxen Haveles
by Robert Horan
Transition Times
by Quinn McGee
by Maxen Haveless
A Day as a Substitute Teacher
by Robert Horan
Oct. 17, 2016
" The life of an ASC can vary day by day... this is one of my favorite things about the job, how random it is..."
Falling into Rythum
by Maxen Haveles
Oct. 17, 2016
" The second month of working as a part of the Alumni Service Corps is halfway complete and I am falling into a rhythm. Although the weeks have become rhythmic, each day still holds its own twists and turns."
Life is a Balancing Act
by Quinn McGee
Oct. 17, 2016
" Everyone has heard the expression “life is a balancing act” right? At least most people have. Well that’s how it feels a lot of days at Gonzaga."
Great to be Back!
by Robert Horan '12
Sep. 19, 2016
" I’m excited to be serving back at my alma mater, and I can’t wait for what is to come."
Returning to Eye Street
by Quinn McGee '12
Sep. 19, 2016
"Gonzaga is a truly special place, and I am extremely blessed to be welcomed as a part of the faculty this year."
Back to Gonzaga
by Maxen Haveles '12
Sep. 19, 2016
" I wanted to return to Eye Street to be a part of the Alumni Service Corps because I missed the values that Gonzaga had instilled in me."
|2015-2016 blogs|
Pat Cooney
May 20, 2016
And so the year has come to an end. Except for the last week of finals, baseball banquet, graduation, McKenna Immersion, and...[Click to keep reading]
Thank you
Will Clemens
May 19, 2016
Alas, this is the point where we say goodbye to each other. “NO!!!” You’re probably thinking to yourself. “His blogs are so interesting!” and “He made Gonzaga...[Click to keep reading]
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Jack Miossi
May 24, 2016
When I think about my year as an ASC,I recall many memories, the good, the bad, and the ugly. Let’s start with the bad...[Click to keep reading]
Pizza, Dalessandro's, Carl, Chipotle, Wawa, the Van
Pat Cooney
February 18, 2016
This past weekend, the squash team took the van up to Philly to play in the high school squash national championship...[Click to keep reading]
Will Clemens
February 16, 2016
I’ve never been an athlete. Maybe in middle school I was slightly athletic, but it took about two minutes into high school to realize that I was a new class of athlete...[Click to keep reading]
Will Clemens
February 5, 2016
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: I see so much of myself in these students...[Click to keep reading]
ASC Community
Pat Cooney
January 29, 2016
Community living is awesome. During the year as an ASC, Gonzaga provides housing right on K street...[Click to keep reading]
The Times, They Are a Changing
Jack Miossi
January 21, 2016
Oh, how the times have changed! Ignore the subject of this blog and look at it for what it is:...[Click to keep reading]
Hey, Coach
Pat Cooney
December 15, 2015
Midway through November, the squash season started so I rotated off of Campus Kitchen and started heading to squash practice...[Click to keep reading]
Nostalgia, Past and Present
Jack Miossi
December 17, 2015
I am a very nostalgic person. I come from an incredibly nostalgic family. For example...[Click to keep reading]
November of my ASC Year
Pat Cooney
November 18, 2015
I can’t believe it’s already November, and I’m more than three months into my year as an Alumni Service Corps (ASC) member. So far this year in my blogs, I’ve explored...[Click to keep reading]
Campus Kitchen's Atlases
Jack Miossi
November 17, 2015
Having recently taken sole supervision over Campus Kitchen, I had my first full day of Campus Kitchen without the help of another ASC. We had a full meal cooked mainly from scratch...[Click to keep reading]
A Day in the Life of an ASC in Tech Week
Will Clemens
November 9, 2015
Tech weeks (the days leading up to opening night) in theatre are pretty amazing things. Shows that seem to be disasters...[Click to keep reading]
Life on the Other Side
Jack Miossi
October 20, 2015
After four years playing baseball at Gonzaga and another four years player-managing Georgetown University’s Club Baseball team, I have never really just been the coach. I never experienced...[Click to keep reading]
If You Can't Stand the Heat, Stay Out of the Campus Kitchen
Pat Cooney
October 15, 2015
This fall, I have been working with Campus Kitchen four days a week after school. I have been amazed and inspired by how dedicated some of the students are. I want to share with you...[Click to keep reading]
If You're On Time, You're Late
Will Clemens
October 1, 2015
Given the choice, I would rather be thrown into the middle of things and figure my way out then be guided step by step. So when asked if I could cover the Wind Ensemble class with an hour to prepare, trepidation and excitement hit me simultaneously...[Click to keep reading]
The Importance of Knowing Students
Jack Miossi
September 25, 2015
After a month of working at my alma mater, I have finally gotten into a rhythm. Though my schedule changes daily, I wake up unfettered when Mike Howell emails me about how I need to sub six periods’ worth of classes that day. When I’m not subbing...[Click to keep reading]
Back on Eye Street
Patrick Cooney
September 15, 2015
The Alumni Service Corps at Gonzaga has always interested me. I think because I missed Gonzaga so much when I left. Just being on campus is worth so much in itself. I get to see all of my old teachers, live right next to the campus, and walk around every day at the school that I love. I also get to meet...[Click to keep reading]