Gonzaga College High School Liturgy
The Gonzaga school community gathers approximately once a month to celebrate liturgy together in the great Church of St. Aloysius Gonzaga. These gatherings are at the very heart of our life as a community in the Catholic and Jesuit traditions. Formal attire is required on these days, unless otherwise communicated from the Headmaster's or Dean of Student's Offices.
A collection is taken up at each liturgy. Gonzaga strives to give generously to those in need. An announcement concerning to whom the collection will be given will be made on our Gonzaga Campus Ministry Facebook Page and before liturgy. On these days, the school follows the assembly schedule. Please see the school calendar for the year's liturgies.
Students who have brothers in the graduating class are invited to inform Mr. Green of their interest in serving as an usher for the Baccaluareate Mass.
Any students interested in serving as acolytes or lectors should also contact Mr. Green.