Junior Year News!
PARENTS, (coming soon) please click here to read the letter from your son's Class Counselor.
* Regarding the college process: The grade level Counselor will have small group meetings to start the college process in January when PSAT score reports are returned. In February, the College Counselors will have small group meetings to disseminate College Counseling Guide Part I. Students will then meet one-on-one with their College Counselor for an introductory meeting. Once that meeting has been completed, parents will schedule a follow up meeting with their son and his College Counselor (these may begin right after Spring Break). You may call Mrs. Hoffman, the College Counseling Assistant, at 202-336-7131 to schedule that meeting. Parent meetings cannot take place until the student has had their introductory meeting with their College Counselor. Ideally, both of these meetings should take place in the spring semester; however, family schedules are sometimes such that they will take place in the fall. In early September, the newly-minted seniors will have small group meetings with the college counselors in which they will be given College Counseling Guide Part II. They will then set up one-on-one meetings with their college counselor (this will be just the student and their counselor). After that, students can meet with the college counselors as needed.
JUNIORS, get ready for an exciting year! And keep in mind these highlights:
* You will take the PSAT again on Wednesday, October 19th. You are already registered. (Scores released to you online.)
* You and a parent should attend the Junior Family Night on Thursday, October 27th in Sheehy Theater at 7pm, for important info about the college application process! There is also a Parent Financial Aid night on Thursday November 3rd, at 7pm in the Cafeteria.
* You will be matched with a College Counselor during 2nd semester to guide you through toward college acceptance.
* You will need to access Naviance during your college application process: http://connection.naviance.com/gonzaga
* You should take the SAT and ACT during the spring semester.
* You should consider taking one or more SAT Subject Tests as well, in areas of strength.
-maintain effective study and preparation habits each day;
-find meaningful extracurricular activities to commit to;
- and protect your body and mind by sleeping 7-9 hours each night, exercising responsibly, eating "brain" foods, and avoiding alcohol and other drugs.
Make time to serve! Food & Friends - every Tuesday (see Campus Ministry for more information)
October 19 PSAT/NMSQT tests are administered to all juniors (12pm dismissal)
October 27 Junior Family Night 7:00 p.m in Sheehy Theater.
This program is for juniors and their parents. The College Counselors will provide an overview of the college process.
November 3 Junior and Senior Parent Financial Aid Night 7:00 p.m. in the Gonzaga Cafeteria
November 15-18 First Kairos retreat open for Juniors (good timing if you play a Spring sport)
first 2weeks Juniors are introduced to the college search resources (College Board & Naviance)
January 24-27 Kairos CXL
Jan 30-Feb10 Substance Abuse & Mental Health Awareness Weeks
February 17 Course Registration Begins
February 21-24 Karios CXLI
All month College counselors have small group meetings to disseminate College Counseling Guide Part I
All month Juniors begin meeting with College Counselors
All month Juniors meet with college counselors
All month See Ms. Pane for information on summer programs
For a list of available programs click here.
March 9 Course Registration Ends
March 27-31 Kairos CXLII (last junior retreat opportunity for the academic year)
April 8 ACT with the Writing Section (recommended for all juniors) - registration: http://www.actstudent.org/regist/
You must sign up for the optional writing section.
Verify that you have the correct calculator for the test (not allowed: TI-89 or TI-92).
Please see your counselor if you need a fee waiver.
May 1-12 AP Exams administered
May 6 SAT Reasoning and Subject Tests (at Gonzaga); Subject test information- http://sat.collegeboard.org/about-tests/sat- subject-tests
Please see your counselor if you need a fee waiver.
June 3 SAT Reasoning and Subject Tests (NOT held at Gonzaga)
Please see your counselor if you need a fee waiver.
June 10 ACT with Writing Section (NOT at Gonzaga; many juniors will be on Summer Service Immersion trips)
You must sign up for the optional writing section.
Verify that you have the correct calculator for the test (The TI-89 or TI-92 is not allowed).
Please see your counselor if you need a fee waiver.
Summer Opportunities
All Summer Research and visit colleges; Prepare for Fall 2017 SAT/ACT, if necessary
All Summer If you're interested in a summer program, see Ms. McLaughlin, or check out this growing list: Summer Opportunities