Sophomore Notes & Reminders
Parents, please click here to read a letter from your son's Class Counselor, Mr. Morgan.
*PSAT (Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test)
- All sophomores will take the PSAT on October 19th, 2016.
- Be sure to visit: https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/psat-nmsqt-psat-10 to learn more about the PSAT.
- PSAT results will be sent by CollegeBoard directly to your son's email about the 2nd week of December. Guys - be sure to share the results with your parents. As we're focused on exams then, I'll review results in January through History classes.
- Make sure to use your access code and log on to create an account (make sure you remember your username & password!) [here's the general site, but you'll be prompted to create an account when you receive your score - https://www.collegeboard.org/
*To learn more about study skills; time management; preparing for exams; and setting goals be sure to visit the following websites: www.d.umn.edu/student/loon/acad/strat and www.ucc.vt.edu/stdysk/stdyhlp.html .
*Mid-Term Exams / Finals.
Use your freshmen year wisdom to recall what worked and what didn't work in preparing for freshmen year exams; use that to help you craft a study schedule. Start reviewing BEFORE the review days at school! Best strategy - start 2 weeks ahead, reviewing old tests then notes from 2 classes a day 15-20 min. for each class (after HW time). To make sure you are prepared for exams, it's wise to:
- Do your best in your daily work.
- Review your notes each night - best strategy: spend about 10 minutes reviewing the last 5 day's notes.
- Keep organized files of old quizzes, tests, and study/review guides
- Take good, comprehensive notes.
- Ask for help as soon as you realize you need. Resources: your classroom teacher, the Center for Academic Excellence (Mr. Peter Baggetta; "Math Lab" with peer tutors Monday & Thursday after school)(Counseling hall), the Writing Center (Kohlman); NHS peer tutors (request form/link thru "Student Clubs" tab, NHS, then bottom of their page)
Sophomore Conversations:
- Sophomore conversations are an opportunity for each sophomore and his parents to meet with a faculty member and reflect on his first two years at Gonzaga, and, to set goals for his final two years.
- Goals are based on those we have for each graduate: (The "Grad at Grad") that he be intellectually competent, open to growth, loving, religious and committed to doing justice.
- A Gonzaga faculty/staff member will contact each individual family to schedule an appointment at a mutually agreeable time.
- All appointments will be scheduled during the spring semester. Visits usually last between 20-40 minutes.
- These are not mandatory; however, they are a unique opportunity to take a step back, reflect, and look to the future, and how a student sees himself in light of the "grad at grad" outline.
SAT Subject Tests:
- SAT subject tests are hour-long, content based tests for specific subjects. Some colleges use them to place students in the appropriate level of classes; based on your score, some colleges will grant you credit or allow you to fulfill basic requirements.
- In the 4th quarter, sophomores who have done well in either Biology or Chemistry will be encouraged to take the SAT Subject Test in that subject.
- Find this year's dates and registration information here: https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/sat-subject-tests (try some practice questions there before you register)
Summer opportunities