Counseling Notes & Reminders for the Class of 2020
**Parents, please click here to read a letter from your son's Class Counselor, Mr Wilson.
Parents: Please RSVP HERE for "Conversations that Count." This is an event to prevent and discuss the use of underage alcohol use. All freshmen and their parents/guardians are invited. Please check your email or contact Mr. Bill Wilson for more details. The event will be on Tuesday, the 27th of September, from 6:30-8:00pm in Gonzaga's Gym.
Welcome to Gonzaga, Class of 2020! Don't forget to come to Forte Hall, 2nd floor, on the day you are scheduled to meet in a lunch group with your Counselor, Mr. Bill Wilson. The schedules are posted in your homeroom class.
General Reminders for Freshman Year Success
->Develop academic character: study everyday; be punctual with attendance and assignments; ask questions; talk with your teachers one-on-one; participate in class; be assertive; challenge yourself; don’t whine; take control of your learning experience; get help if you need it.
->Learn more about study skills; time management; exams prep; and goal setting: and .
-> Apply what you learn in one course to other courses you are taking. Improve problem solving skills.
->Read! Read! Read! Reading a wide variety of literature is the #1 factor in improving verbal skills.
-> Visit the Academic Support Center for academic support during lunchtime or after school. You can find Mr. Baggetta on the 2nd floor of Forte Hall.
-> Get a free, non-judgmental on-campus student tutor through the National Honor Society
-> Get involved in the life of Gonzaga—volunteer for community service projects; join a club; sing in the choir; play an instrument; go out for a sports team.
-> Make new friends; get to know your classmates; don't judge others; show respect for everyone.
->Make the most of your Freshman retreat in January; arrive with a positive attitude and participate fully in all the activities.
->Schedule a meeting with your counselor in February to discuss course selection for sophomore year.
->Be proud to be a Gonzaga student and represent Gonzaga well- on and off campus.
Summer Opportunities
Please see the Summer Opportunities link under Counseling Resources. The list will be updated throughout the spring as we become aware of new opportunities.
Exam Preparation Tips
* DON'T PROCRASTINATE - START STUDYING 2-3 WEEKS BEFORE EXAMS!! The more familiar you are with your notes, the more confident you will be!
* Gather old tests/quizzes/review sheets from each class and separate into folders for each class
* review notes/tests/quizzes each night after completing regular daily homework
* study your two most difficult subjects on alternating nights
*study in 30 minute blocks of time with 2-5 minute breaks in between
* Study with students who have different teachers than you to make sure you have covered all the material for the exams
*During exam week, spend 1 1/2 - 2 hours studying for the next day's exam; 30 minutes on the exams 2 days away
* Eat healthy food; try and avoid caffeine and sugar!
*Get plenty of rest and exercise!