Course Instructors

Robert Horan


John Kilroy



1.      Recall that we are, right now, at this very instant, in the presence of God. In fact, no matter where we are, seated at our desks in a classroom, riding to school on the Metro, practicing on Buchanan field, running through the Arboretum, we are at all times creatures in the midst of creation and the Creator who called us forth is concerned for us.  Take a moment to make yourself actively aware of God’s pervasive presence.

30 seconds

2.      Now we give thanks to God for favors we have received. Let ‘s spend a moment looking at the gifts we have received recently. Bring to mind some instance in your life over the past day or two when you were the object of another’s kindness.  When a friend greeted you with a smile, when a teacher helped you with a problem, when a parent fixed you something to eat, when someone held a door open for you. Attend to these incidents and be grateful for God’s bountiful mercy.

30 seconds

3.      Next we ask for awareness of the Holy Spirit's aid. Before we explore the mystery of the human heart, ask the Lord to send the Holy Spirit so that we can look upon our actions and motives with honesty and patience, the way God looks on us, as each one a small yet vital part of His magnificent creation. The Spirit gives us a freedom to look at ourselves without condemnation and without complacency and thus be open to growth.

30 seconds

4.      Now examine how you are living this week, this day, this hour. Recall the events of your week and your day so far, explore the context of your actions. Review what you’ve been doing, how you’ve been living, searching for the internal events of your life. Look through the hours to see your interaction with what was before you. Ask what you were involved in and who you were with, and review your hopes and hesitations. What moved you to act the way you did?

45-60 seconds

5.      Pray words of reconciliation and resolve. Having reviewed the recent events of your life, look upon yourself with compassion and see your need for God and try to realize God's manifestations of concern for you. Express sorrow for sin, give thanks for grace, and praise God for the times you responded in ways that allowed you to better see God's life.
30 seconds

Thanks you for your attention.  Enjoy the rest of your day, and allow yourself the freedom to pray during the day when the Spirit moves you. 

Lord's prayer

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