Course Instructors

Robert Horan


John Kilroy




Wednesday, May 17th, Review Day.





Seniors may drop by the Headmaster's Office to pick up 5 additional graduation announcements.  Five announcements per day, per student...first come, first serve until they are gone.


Student Services

All Freshmen and Sophomores! If you would like to attend a trip to King’s Dominion with freshmen and sophomores from Visitation on Thursday, June 8, stop by student services to grab a permission slip. The cost is 75 dollars. Hope to see you there!


Attention all Photo Contest Winners - Please pick up your award check from Miss Carter in room F-33 after Wednesday. Check Canvas to see if you won.

Campus Ministry

Attention all seniors with Altar Serving Experience: Mr. Green is in need of two altar servers for Baccalaureate Mass. this is a great honor to serve your Gonzaga Community one last time.Please stop by Campus Ministry today if you are interested.


Clubs and Activities


Special Announcements

Attention all students.  If you had poetry, photography, fiction, or studio art published in The Phoenix, please stop by Room 107 this week to pick up your complimentary Phoenix 2017 t-shirt.


All students and faculty are invited to a reception TODAY at 2:30 in the library, to celebrate the publication of Mr. Ross's new book of poetry. Mr. Ross and a few of his current and former students will read poems. Refreshments will be served. Please stop by!

Attention all students!  Your library books are past due!  Please check the Overdue lists posted in the cafeteria and in the foyer of the Arrupe Commons.  If you have any questions or concerns, see one of the librarians.  Thanks!


​Got textbooks? There is a box in front of Student Services and in the library to collect any textbooks or paperbacks that you no longer need. These books will be redistributed within the Gonzaga community.  Don't throw them out, other students can use them.  If you have any questions, contact one of the librarians.



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